OS World1

My Commentary on Caramel’s 10k statement

So I saw a lot of people criticizing Caramel for her 10k statement
Well I will say, she’s put herself in that level and standard of life
If you work on yourself, your standards, etc you are entitled to decide which standard you wanna be treated on
If she’s in a life disposition where 10k means nothing to her rather than questioning her, work on yourself and put yourself in the standard you wanna be treated on
But then it’s important to appreciate every little effort of anyone giving to you no matter how small

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But then you can hardly find caramel with bodies of friends who can hardly afford 10k
Truly it’s better you give it to someone who actually needs it not pouring your water inside sea

My only reservation with the statement is that some of our young upcoming ladies might get negatively influenced by it and they might start putting pressure on some innocent hard-working young boys, girls, or family members who can nearly afford that much or barely make that much or less

But on the other hand, it can be a motivation for young ladies out there to work hard, keep pushing upgrade your life standard.

Truly there are a lot of people in this world that receiving 10k means nothing to them because they have that much in multiple of 10s and 100s

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